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Having a job is an integral part of our lives. It is the reason most of us get up in the morning and also why many people are still at it in the evening. During our life, we spend on average 80,000 hours working. That is over 10,000 full-time days, or about 40 years of working full-time.

But what if you lose your job? What if you become unemployed or unfit for work? What if you die? What does the financial picture look like then? Would there still be sufficient income? Would living in your house still be affordable?

It is important for everyone who has a job to have a clear understanding of their finances in the event of one of the above incidents. We can help you gain clear insight into these circumstances, so that you can make conscious choices and prevent financial gaps.

What do you want to know more about?


High-quality, independent and comprehensive mortgage advice at a low rate.


Did you get fired? Unfit for work? New job? We offer tailored advice.


Insight into (early) retirement and your financial needs after retirement.


Divorce guidance focused on providing clarity and certainty.


Optimising the private finances of the entrepreneur.

Financial planning

Insight into and overview of your entire financial situation, in plain language.

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